Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential

Award winning - About Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential (PVQC) Programs
Key words and terminologies are the KSF (key success factors) needed for students or job-seekers to enter a new domain or workplace. The Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential (PVQC) program provides about 500 to 2,000 key words and terminologies in English (L2) and native language (L1) for every domain or industry; such as culinary, medical and nursing, hospitality, automobile, ICT(Information and Communication Technology), electrical and electronic industry, etc.
PVQC provides multiple patterns in learning and assessment modes to meet the requirements for effective and efficient learning of key words and terminologies in the domain between in both English and your native language. PVQC certification program provides two levels: specialist and expert.
English is an international language. English is also one of the basic core competencies required for any employee working in a global environment. Based on academic research, the professional vocabulary set (PVS) of a domain or industry is about between 500 and to 2,000 words.
Mastery of professional vocabulary for reading, listening, spelling and speaking (RLSS) will help you become an effective communicator in the global workplace. PVQC was developed by GLAD (Global Learning and Assessment Development center) and its partners including many SMEs (subject matter experts). PVQC focuses on a specific professional domain by collecting and forming a key word set based on professional communication and articles (topics). PVQC was developed by using vocational education methodologies and cloud technology for any employee, employer, or college student. It is an effective learning tool for strengthening your professional vocabulary.