
Mobile Device Apps (Knowledge and Lab Tests)


About Mobile Device Apps (MDA) Programs

MDA (Mobile Device Apps) programs are designed for developers to develop mobile device applications with the fundamental skill and knowledge of application development for various mobile operating systems, such as Android, iOS and Windows phone, including cloud computing, mobile devices and IoT (Internet of Things).


Questions Time (mins) Perfect Score Passing Score
Fundamentals 50+ 1* questions 40 + 40 1000 700
Essentials 80+ 1* questions 60 + 50 1000 700
* Remark : Lab Tests ( Hands on Test ) are upon request by user.

MDA Scopes and Main Objectives

( Updated: 2/01/2015)

( Updated:4/27/2015)

Basics of Cloud computing
Advanced Cloud computing
Basics of Internet of Things, IoT
Advanced Internet of Things, IoT
Basics of Mobile Devices
Using Mobile Devices
Basics of Mobile Devices Development)--APP Inventor, Scratch, Python, and Others
Basic of Mobile Business and Management

Basics of IoT Hardware and Software development —Arduino(s), Sensors, Robots, and Other Technologies

Core of Mobile Devices Development)--APP Inventor, Scratch, Python, and Other Technologies.


Core of IoT Hardware and Software development—Arduino(s), Sensors, Robots and Others Technologies

APP Car--Mobile Apps Learning and Developing Packages

Model :MDA-01-001



Sample Certificate


Apple®, CompTIA®, IBM®, Google®, Microsoft®, Cisco®, Adobe®, HP®, Dell®, Oracle®, ATP®, ETS® ,TOEIC®, TOEFL®, ACT®, iOS®, iWorks®, Windows®, Android®, Office®, App Inventor® ,CIW®, BAP®, PVQC®, PELC®, GLAD®.
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