Welcome to GLAD

Increasing the effectiveness of education and broaden its reach to all people!

Welcome to the GLAD Learning and Assessment World!

GLAD Authorized Partners are key to the success of the clients we serve through the programs and solutions they offer.

We are pleased to introduce the GLAD Partner categories below. Please join us!

GLAD Partner categories
The Partner categories of GLAD (Global Learning and Assessment Development) include but are not limited to:

A. Solution Provider Partners ---
ADC (Authorized Distribution Center)
ASC (Authorized Service Center)
ATEC (Authorized Training and Education Center)
ATC (Authorized Testing Center)

B. SME and SOHO Partners ---
SME (Subject Matter Experts)
MP (Maker Partners)
SOHO (Small Office and Home Office) partners
R & D (Research and Development) partners

C. Publishing House Partners: Offline and/or Online Partners

D. Enterprise and Association Partners

E. Certified Instructor (CI)

F. Certified Proctor (CP)

Three steps to use the GLAD PVQC/PELC programs successfully in your schools

  • 1. Conduct teacher training for GLAD PVQC/PELC programs
  • Goals:
    G.1 Learn the content and resources for the GLAD PVQC/PELC* and/or its TESOL* programs.
    G.2 Take and pass the GLAD PVQC/PELC tests and receive the PVQC/PELC certificate(s).
    G.3 Take and pass the GLAD Proctor test and receive the Proctor certificate.
    PVQC (Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential programs)
    PELC (Professional English Listening comprehension and Writing programs)
    TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers Other Languages in professional terminologies)

    Target: Language teachers and/or professional teachers from each department.
    Time: 3.5 hours for each session, at least 2 sessions recommened.
    Location: Computer room is preferred. Ask teachers to bring earphones for practice and testing.
    Preparation before workshop: Install the assessment and learning software for GLAD PVQC/PELC programs.
    Please contact us if any questions: service@gladworld.net

  • 2. List the GLAD PVQC and/or PELC programs as a requirement for graduation.

  • 3. Purchase the licenses for the GLAD PVQC/PELC programs for your students. 
  • We encourage you to join the GLAD PVQC/PELC annual competition.


    For more information please contact:
